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Value-Based Contracting: Is It Right For Your Practice?
Janie Tremlett - Value-Based Contracting: Is It Right For Your Practice?
DIA 2018: Value-Based Contracting and Assessment: What Needs to be Done to Make it a Best Practice?
Value-Based Contracting: A collaboration of Finance, Contracting, RCM, Clinical and Compliance
2019: CIN Value-Based Contracting Strategies
• Provider Contracting Environment: ACOs, Value Based Purchasing, Practice Acquisition & More
Risk-based Contracting for Value-based Care, a Founder's Playbook
Value-Based Care Made Easy to Understand #meetingoftheminds
Realize The Price You Paid For Staying In Toxic Relationship & Move On |Denzel Washington Motivation
Value-Based Contracting: What's the impact on payers?
Value-Based Contracting From a Position of Strength
The Opportunities and Challenges in Value-Based Contracting